D3js makes drawing maps in different projections extremely easy. You can choose from the most common ones to a really exotic set of projections that you never heard of before.
Projected rasters
Usually, all the examples assume that the original data has got vector format and in a lat-lon (Equirectangular) projection, which isn’t true.
To handle these situations, we need to transform the data to the lat-lon projection first, and then draw the map as usual:
Let’s see an actual example of this. The WRF model of the example runs in the Conic Conformal projection.
- One solution, of course, is to re-project the GeoTIFF with the GDAL warp program and use this file as usual
- This raster re-projection interpolates the data, so the final result is a bit different if the number of pixels isn’t very high (which is the case)
- The other solution is reading the original file and re-project all the data we need before passing it to the d3js geoProjection
You can find the whole code here. The code is similar to the isobands and wind barbs examples, so I’ll comment the differences:
<script src="reproject.js"></script>
<script src="proj4.js"></script>
- For each barb, which is located in a point, we’ll use the proj4js library to get the point projected coordinates
- To reproject the isobands, we’ll use the reproject library, which reprojects GeoJSON data directly
var projection = d3.geoConicConformal()
.rotate([82, 0])
.center([0, 34.83158])
.parallels([30, 60])
.translate([width / 2, height / 2]);
- Remember that the d3js projection will be used to draw the data once we have it in lat-lon, but that the GeoTIFF is in Conical Conformal
var firstProjection='PROJCS["unnamed",\
GEOGCS["unnamed ellipse",\
bandsSpd = reproject.toWgs84(bandsSpd, firstProjection);
- The original projection is defined in WKT
- You can run gdalinfo [filename] on the GeoTIFF and this information will appear
- It’s technically possible to read the GeoTIFF metadata and read this information automatically, but a whole library would be required
- The reproject library has the toWgs84 function, that takes the GeoJSON (the isobands, in ur case) and the original projection, and transforms it into WGS84, which is what we need
- Once the reprojection is done, the next steps are the same as usual
var coords = projection.invert([x,y]);
coords = proj4(firstProjection).forward(coords);
- For each barb position, the iteration will give us the x and y pixel positions on the map
- projection.invert([x,y]) will transform this position into lon-lat
- proj4().forward() will project this lon-lat to the original projection coordinates
- Then the GeoTransform can be applied as usual, since it will be in the original coordinates too
Projected raster to interpolated raster
Creating this kind of visualization from a projected GeoTIFF is also possible:
You can find the whole code here.
var geoTIFFProjection = proj4('PROJCS["unnamed",\
GEOGCS["unnamed ellipse",\
AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]]]'); // WGS84 to projection defined in `wkt`
- The projection function is stored into a variable to speed the next process
- The WKT of the projection is get as in the other case
var coords = projection.invert([i,j]);
coords = geoTIFFProjection.forward(coords);
var px = (coords[0] - geoTransform[0]) / geoTransform[1];
var py = (coords[1] - geoTransform[3]) / geoTransform[5];
- To draw pixel by pixel, the loop is the same as in the raster interpolation example
- The difference is that the lon-lat coords given by d3js must be projected to the GeoTIFF projection with the function created before
- The geoTransform will be in the projected coordinates, so it’s used as usual
- The speed is worse, of course, but it’s still usable. It’s important to use the forward method without creating the projectino every time (of course)
Project a single image
If the problem is that you have an image and want to warp it to the D3js projection, you can follow these instructions, that give this result: