Color scales
When drawing lines or areas, we usually want to color them depending on the value they represent.
To get nice already made color scales, you can check ColorBrewer2 or cpt-city.
D3js provides (of course) an easy way to create color scales, called d3-scale-chromatic. Many color scales are already created, and accessing to their colors is easy:
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
var yellow = d3.interpolateYlGn(0), // "rgb(255, 255, 229)"
yellowGreen = d3.interpolateYlGn(0.5), // "rgb(120, 197, 120)"
green = d3.interpolateYlGn(1); // "rgb(0, 69, 41)"
- Just choose the color scale function from the docs
- There are sequential, diverging and categorical color schemes. The last ones are just an array
- Call the function passing a value from 0 to 1 to get the color in all the domain
- To calculate this value from 0 to 1 given the actual value, just call a d3.scaleSequential function, and don’t forget to clamp it
var color = d3.scaleSequential(d3.interpolatePiYG)
.domain([12, 23])
Using canvas
When drawing canvas pixel by pixel, using the D3js scales can be really unefficient. An alternative must be used. The tutorial will be using the method taken from the plotty library:
- Create an object with the scale definitions (the source code has many of them already done)
- Create a small hidden canvas with 255 columns and one line. Each column will represent a scale value, and could be larger for a smoother gradient
- Create a gradient for each change in the color scale
- When the hidden canvas is created, get its data and query it to get the colours
The code is:
var cs_def = {positions:[0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1], colors:["#0571b0", "#92c5de", "#f7f7f7", "#f4a582", "#ca0020"]};
var scaleWidth = 256;
var canvasColorScale ="body").append("canvas")
.attr("width", scaleWidth)
.attr("height", 1)
var contextColorScale = canvasColorScale.node().getContext("2d");
var gradient = contextColorScale.createLinearGradient(0, 0, scaleWidth, 1);
for (var i = 0; i < cs_def.colors.length; ++i) {
gradient.addColorStop(cs_def.positions[i], cs_def.colors[i]);
contextColorScale.fillStyle = gradient;
contextColorScale.fillRect(0, 0, scaleWidth, 1);
var csImageData = contextColorScale.getImageData(0, 0, scaleWidth-1, 1).data;
The resulting color scale, that you can see if the .style(“display”,”none”) is removed, is:
- The color scale definition cs_def takes the colors and the position of each color in the scale from 0 to 1.
- The scale is created 256 pixels width and 1 height, to act as an array with the colors. The width could be higher.
- createLinearGradient will create the color gradient and gradient.addColorStop will add a color change at each position
- The getImageData().data method returns an array with all the colors. The size will be 256 * 4, since it holds the RGBA values
The color for each value is calculated using this code:
var c = Math.round((scaleWidth-1) * ((value - domain[0])/(domain[1]-domain[0])));
var alpha = 255;
if (c<0 || c > (scaleWidth-1)){
alpha = 0;
var rValue = csImageData[c*4];;
var gValue = csImageData[c*4+1];
var bValue = csImageData[c*4+2];
var aValue = alpha;
- The fisrt line calculates the position from 0 to 255. domain[0] is the minimum value, and domain[1] the maximum
- The alpha part is necessary to avoid strange colors if the value is below or above the extremes of the scale. It will set the transparency to 100%
- csImageData has all the colours, ocupying four positions each.
- The alpha value could be read and set the same way
- Usually, this chunk of code will be inside a loop to set all the pixels, as you can see in the drawing raster data section