Lucide icons in Astro
I have been trying to add Lucide icons to an Astro project, since I am using Shadcn, and even I found a post, it’s not working as I wanted. So here is a solution that accepts any icon and gives a TypeScript error if the icon doesn’t exist.
Install lucide first:
npm install lucide
And create a Lucide.astro component:
import Lucide from "lucide";
type Props = {
icon: keyof typeof Lucide;
height?: number;
width?: number;
fill?: string;
stroke?: string;
const { icon, width, height, fill, stroke } = Astro.props;
const iconData = Lucide[icon];
const attributes = iconData[1];
const children = iconData[2];
const modifiedAttributes = {
fill: fill ?? attributes.fill,
stroke: stroke ?? attributes.stroke,
width: width ?? attributes.width,
height: height ?? attributes.height,
const componentChildren = children
([child, attributes2]) =>
`<${child} ${Object.entries(attributes2)
.map(([k, v]) => `${k}="${v}"`)
.join(" ")} />`
<svg {...modifiedAttributes} set:html={componentChildren} />
You can then use it like this:
import LucideIcon from "./LucideIcon.astro";
<LucideIcon icon="Star" fill="orange" stroke="none" />