rveciana - playing-with-geo2rect

Playing with geo2rect

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Example of the d3.geo2rect library, with the data for Spain.

The d3CompositeProjections won’t work with this library. Also, each region gets only the biggest geometry to be drawn, so the islands are erased…

<!DOCTYPE html>
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body {
  font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;



.class-4 circle{

<script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v4.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://npmcdn.com/@turf/turf/turf.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://d3js.org/topojson.v1.min.js"></script>
<script src="geo2rect.js"></script>
var config = {
  width : 700,
  height : 700,
  padding : 70,
  projection : d3.geoMercator(),
  duration : 1000,
  key:function(d){return d.properties.nombre; },
  grid : {
  "Cádiz":{x:5, y:9},
  "Córdoba":{x:4, y:7},
  "Granada":{x:6, y:8},
  "Huelva":{x:4, y:8},
  "Jaén":{x:6, y:7},
  "Málaga":{x:6, y:9},
  "Sevilla":{x:5, y:8},
  "Huesca":{x:8, y:1},
  "Teruel":{x:7, y:3},
  "Zaragoza":{x:8, y:2},
  "Asturias": {x:3, y:1},
  "Balears, Illes": {x:10, y:4},
  "Palmas, Las": {x:3, y:12},
  "Santa Cruz de Tenerife": {x:2, y: 12},
  "Cantabria": {x:4, y: 1},
  "Albacete": {x:6, y:6},
  "Ciudad Real": {x:5, y:7},
  "Cuenca": {x:7, y:4},
  "Guadalajara":{x:6, y:4},
  "Toledo":{x:5, y:6},
  "Ávila":{x:5, y:5},
  "Burgos":{x:5, y:2},
  "León":{x:3, y:2},
  "Palencia":{x:4, y:2},
  "Salamanca":{x:4, y:4},
  "Segovia":{x:5, y:4},
  "Soria":{x:6, y:3},
  "Valladolid":{x:4, y:3},
  "Zamora":{x:4, y:3},
  "Barcelona":{x:9, y:2},
  "Girona":{y:1, x:10},
  "Lleida":{y:1, x:9},
  "Tarragona":{x:8, y:3},
  "Ceuta":{x:5, y:11},
  "Alicante":{x:7, y:6},
  "Castellón":{x:8, y:4},
  "Valencia":{x:7, y:5},
  "Badajoz":{x:4, y:6},
  "Cáceres":{x:4, y:5},
  "Coruña, A":{x:1, y:1},
  "Lugo":{x:2, y:1},
  "Ourense":{x:2, y:2},
  "Pontevedra":{x:1, y:2},
  "Rioja, La":{x:7, y:2},
  "Madrid":{x:6, y:5},
  "Melilla":{x:9, y:11},
  "Murcia":{x:7, y:7},
  "Navarra":{x:7, y:1},
  "Álava":{x: 6, y:2},
  "Guipúzcoa":{x:6, y:1},
  "Vizcaya":{x:5, y:1}
var svg = d3.select('body').append('svg').attr('width',config.width).attr('height',config.height);

var g2r = new geo2rect.draw();

d3.json('provincias.json', function(err, data){

  var data = topojson.feature(data, data.objects.provincias);

  var geojson = geo2rect.compute(data);

  g2r.config = config;
  g2r.data = geojson;
  g2r.svg = svg.append('g');


d3.select('body').append('a').text('Toggle').on('click', function(){
