rveciana - hayan-typhoon-gradient-colored-track-ii

Hayan typhoon gradient colored track II

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This example illustrates this GeoExamples blog entry.

The map shows the track of the Hayian typhoon, that hit Phillipines on November 2013.

The gradient code is taken from Mike Bostock’s example Gradient Along Stroke

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">

.graticule {
  fill: none;
  stroke: #777;
  stroke-opacity: .5;
  stroke-width: .5px;

.land {
  fill: #999;

.boundary {
  fill: none;
  stroke: #fff;
  stroke-width: .5px;

svg .path {
  fill: none;
  stroke-opacity: .8;
  stroke-dasharray: 3,2;
  stroke: #f44;

<script src="http://d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://d3js.org/topojson.v1.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://d3js.org/colorbrewer.v1.min.js"></script>


var width = 600,
    height = 500;

var trackWidth = 8;

var color = d3.interpolateLab("#008000", "#c83a22");

var projection = d3.geo.mercator()
    .scale(5*(width + 1) / 2 / Math.PI)
    .translate([width / 2, height / 2])
    .rotate([-125, -15, 0])

var path = d3.geo.path()

var graticule = d3.geo.graticule();

var svg = d3.select("body").append("svg")
    .attr("width", width)
    .attr("height", height);

    .attr("class", "graticule")
    .attr("d", path);

d3.json("track.json", function(error, track) {
d3.json("/mbostock/raw/4090846/world-50m.json", function(error, world) {

  var color_scale = d3.scale.quantile().domain([1, 5]).range(colorbrewer.YlOrRd[5]);

  var filter = svg.append("defs")
      .attr("id", "drop-shadow")
      .attr("height", "130%");
    .attr("in", "SourceAlpha")
    .attr("stdDeviation", 5)
    .attr("result", "blur");

        .attr("in", "blur")
        .attr("dx", 5)
        .attr("dy", 5)
        .attr("result", "offsetBlur");

    var feMerge = filter.append("feMerge");

        .attr("in", "offsetBlur")
        .attr("in", "SourceGraphic");

  svg.insert("path", ".land")
      .datum(topojson.feature(world, world.objects.land))
      .attr("class", "land")
      .attr("d", path)
      .style("filter", "url(#drop-shadow)");

  svg.insert("path", ".boundary")
      .datum(topojson.mesh(world, world.objects.countries, function(a, b) { return a !== b; }))
      .attr("class", "boundary")
      .attr("d", path);

  var dateText = svg.append("text")
      .attr("id", "dataTitle")
      .text("2013/11/"+track[0].day + " " + track[0].hour + ":00 class: " + track[0].class)
      .attr("x", 70)
      .attr("y", 20)
      .attr("font-family", "sans-serif")
      .attr("font-size", "20px")
      .attr("fill", color_scale(track[0].class));

  var line = d3.svg.line()
      .x(function(d) { return projection([d.lon, d.lat])[0]; })
      .y(function(d) { return projection([d.lon, d.lat])[1]; });

  var baseHaiyanPath = svg.append("path")
    .attr("stroke", "none")
    .attr("stroke-width", 0)

  var haiyanPathEl = baseHaiyanPath.node();
  var haiyanPathElLen = haiyanPathEl.getTotalLength();

  var pt = haiyanPathEl.getPointAtLength(0);
  var path_g = svg.append("g");

  var icon_g = svg.append("g")
    .attr("transform", "translate(" + pt.x + "," + pt.y + "), scale("+(0.15*track[0].class)+")");
  var icon_bg = icon_g.append("circle")
    .attr("fill", "#ffffff")

  var icon = icon_g.append("path")
    .attr("d","m 20,-42 c -21.61358,0.19629 -34.308391,10.76213 -41.46346,18.0657 -7.155097,7.3036 -11.451337,17.59059 -11.599112,26.13277 0,14.45439 9.037059,26.79801 21.767213,31.69368 -14.965519,10.64929 -25.578236,6.78076 -37.671451,7.85549 C -4.429787,54.20699 14.03,37.263 23.12144,28.41572 32.2133,19.56854 34.6802,10.79063 34.82941,2.19847 c 0,-14.45219 -9.03405,-26.79679 -21.76113,-31.69364 14.90401,-10.54656 25.48889,-6.69889 37.55061,-7.77104 C 38.78869,-40.57565 29.11666,-41.95733 21.03853,-42 20.68954,-42.0105 20.34303,-42.0105 20,-42 z M 0.82306,-7.46851 c 4.72694,0 8.56186,4.27392 8.56186,9.54602 0,5.2725 -3.83492,9.54651 -8.56186,9.54651 -4.726719,0 -8.555958,-4.27401 -8.555958,-9.54651 0,-5.2721 3.829239,-9.54602 8.555958,-9.54602 z")
    .attr("fill", color_scale(track[0].class))

  var i = 0;
  var animation = setInterval(function(){
      pt = haiyanPathEl.getPointAtLength(haiyanPathElLen*i/track.length);
        .attr("transform", "translate(" + pt.x + "," + pt.y + "), scale("+(0.15*track[i].class)+"), rotate("+(i*15)+")");
        .attr("fill", color_scale(track[i].class));

        .text("2013/11/"+track[i].day + " " + track[i].hour + ":00 class: " + track[i].class)
        .attr("fill", color_scale(track[i].class));

      //Draw the path, only when i > 0 in otder to have two points
      if (i>0){
        color0 = color_scale(track[i-1].class);
        color1 = color_scale(track[i].class);

        var activatedTrack = new Array();

        var color = d3.interpolateLab(color0, color1);
        .data(quad(sample(line(activatedTrack), 1)))
          .style("fill", function(d) { return color(d.t);})
          .style("stroke", function(d) { return color(d.t); })
          .attr("d", function(d) { return lineJoin(d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3], trackWidth); });

      i = i + 1;
          if (i==track.length)

// Sample the SVG path string "d" uniformly with the specified precision.
function sample(d, precision) {
  var path = document.createElementNS(d3.ns.prefix.svg, "path");
  path.setAttribute("d", d);

  var n = path.getTotalLength(), t = [0], i = 0, dt = precision;
  while ((i += dt) < n) t.push(i);

  return t.map(function(t) {
    var p = path.getPointAtLength(t), a = [p.x, p.y];
    a.t = t / n;
    return a;

// Compute quads of adjacent points [p0, p1, p2, p3].
function quad(points) {
  return d3.range(points.length - 1).map(function(i) {
    var a = [points[i - 1], points[i], points[i + 1], points[i + 2]];
    a.t = (points[i].t + points[i + 1].t) / 2;
    return a;

// Compute stroke outline for segment p12.
function lineJoin(p0, p1, p2, p3, width) {
  var u12 = perp(p1, p2),
      r = width / 2,
      a = [p1[0] + u12[0] * r, p1[1] + u12[1] * r],
      b = [p2[0] + u12[0] * r, p2[1] + u12[1] * r],
      c = [p2[0] - u12[0] * r, p2[1] - u12[1] * r],
      d = [p1[0] - u12[0] * r, p1[1] - u12[1] * r];

  if (p0) { // clip ad and dc using average of u01 and u12
    var u01 = perp(p0, p1), e = [p1[0] + u01[0] + u12[0], p1[1] + u01[1] + u12[1]];
    a = lineIntersect(p1, e, a, b);
    d = lineIntersect(p1, e, d, c);

  if (p3) { // clip ab and dc using average of u12 and u23
    var u23 = perp(p2, p3), e = [p2[0] + u23[0] + u12[0], p2[1] + u23[1] + u12[1]];
    b = lineIntersect(p2, e, a, b);
    c = lineIntersect(p2, e, d, c);

  return "M" + a + "L" + b + " " + c + " " + d + "Z";

// Compute intersection of two infinite lines ab and cd.
function lineIntersect(a, b, c, d) {
  var x1 = c[0], x3 = a[0], x21 = d[0] - x1, x43 = b[0] - x3,
      y1 = c[1], y3 = a[1], y21 = d[1] - y1, y43 = b[1] - y3,
      ua = (x43 * (y1 - y3) - y43 * (x1 - x3)) / (y43 * x21 - x43 * y21);
  return [x1 + ua * x21, y1 + ua * y21];

// Compute unit vector perpendicular to p01.
function perp(p0, p1) {
  var u01x = p0[1] - p1[1], u01y = p1[0] - p0[0],
      u01d = Math.sqrt(u01x * u01x + u01y * u01y);
  return [u01x / u01d, u01y / u01d];
